9:00 French culture class with Daryl. Always a good class, we mainly discussed the book The Ladies Paradise..
After class we went to Hure again. It is such a great little bakery, and it is so close to the Institute, so as much as I'd love to try new places... Hure makes it hard! I want to try everything in that store, its so unfair! I got a sandwich called the Mexicain - wasn't as good as it looked. I accidently bought a 4 Euro bottle of Orange juice. It was really good though! Usually I just get a can of Minute Maid orange juice. I can never finish it all and it is a pain to carry a can around so getting a bottle was a good idea so I could save it (or so I thought: story coming soon)
After our lunch, we met up with Maddie and Holly at the post office. Maddie was trying to send a journal to her friend, so I hung around and learned how to send a package. Figured I'd have to do that sometime soon, so I might as well learn now.
Everyone was going on a Paris Walk, but I am not in the class... so instead Annie and I went shopping! Of course!! We went to H&M where I got some 5 Euro shorts! Super good deal. Annie had class, so I went to Zara alone. There was a plaid shirt I couldn't stop thinking about so I bought it for my birthday along with a cool eagle shirt. I love that new Eagle shirt... Cassidy isn't a huge fan, but do I care?? Nope, not really. SORRY Cassidy!!
Sam, Holly and Maddie were finishing their walk so I met up with them at Saint Chapelle. While everyone was in their French class Me, Sam and Maddie went to the Eiffel Tower! I brought my scriptures and thought it would be a good idea to study during that time. I got a little bit of scripture study in, until things got a little sketchy.
STORY!!: So, we were all sitting on the grass by the Eiffel Tower when these little gypsy children came up to us holding paper in front of our faces with these big letters on them. My first reaction when they come up to us is for me to grab my things, so I did. I should have told Sam and Maddie to do the same thing, because once they stopped whatever they were doing Sam saw that they had taken Maddies iphone! Sam yelled, "They stole your phone!" got up and chased after them! Luckily that rotten kid dropped the phone looked at Sam, holding his hands in the air like he was saying, "What?? what? I didn't do anything! What??" Once Sam walked back we checked to make sure we had everything, which we did. immediately after a man walked up to us and asked if we spoke English. He told us he was an undercover cop and we asked to see his badge to make sure this wasn't a scam also. We had to talk to him for a bit until he knew we were okay and that nothing was taken.
I was supposed to meet Michelle back at the Institute Catholique but because we were all gaffing our pants off, It didn't work out. I felt bad and tried to reach her a million times. I still feel bad, because I am pretty sure she was kinda mad at me about it. I walked home from the Eiffel Tower and called it a day...
The usual:
-Skype Cassidy
-Skype my Mommy
-Check e-mails and my thousands of notifications on facebook.
-Still Skype Cassidy
-Go to bed, late as usual.

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