First class: French at the Institute Catholique. We went over some information that I had learned before, but it was super nice to review it because I honestly don't remember anything. After class all of us girls went to check out an Asian Boulangerie, but sadly it was closed... figures. Sam and I decided to just go to a Boulangerie over by the LDS Institute. When we were saying goodbye to the other girls something very surprising happened.
Do you remember the girl who I have mentioned saying that she is the one girl who never talks to me? Yeah well she decided to go with Sam and I. I was blown away! She took us to a metro she usually goes to, and she was talking with us like everything was normal. When we got to the metro stop Chatelet, she showed us a good Asian restaurant we could go to! We went to go to the good bakery Huré, but it was closed!! So we decided to go to the Gay bakery. I'm not saying it was stupid... it was literally a gay bakery. I could have gotten a baguette shaped like a ... uh, you know, but I didn't. Instead I got a really good mini pizza with some sprite! We began to talk to this chick who I thought was too cool for us, but I found out that she just doesn't know how to act in big groups. It's not that she is shy, she just really doesn't know how to handle herself in big groups. I felt bad for giving up on her. But at the same time, not too bad! I get pretty shy, and I have been working really hard to step out of my comfort zone and make friends with everyone here. I think she could try a little harder. As of now, I am going to continue to talk to her, that way she knows that I will be there for her if it is needed.
Religion class next. Have I mentioned that that class is seriously so boring? Well, yeah. I took that class time to write down my next blog post since I am so behind. It was good scheduled chill time. After class Annie, Sam and I went to a craft store Annie knew about! We were so excited, because we all miss crafts SO much!!
There were so many cool things. I honestly don't even think I can remember everything to tell you. I'll get pictures next time I go.
When we were leaving, I called Michelle so we could meet up! Annie and Sam were going home, so I was going to meet Michelle and the LDS Institute. I got off the metro stop Chatelet again, and it was the first time I had gotten lost in Paris! I was wandering underground in that metro stop trying to find the right exit. I was looking for the signs that got me outside closest to the Pompidou and while following them, they suddenly disappeared. I even turned around and followed my footsteps to see if I could find the signs, but nope! No where to be found. SO I decided to follow the Spirt, go with my gut and hope I didn't go outside in the sketchy part of Chatelet. Of course, it worked and I ended up getting outside at a familiar area.
I walked over to the LDS church and right when I showed up I ran into the Elders! They had an investigator with them which made me really happy, we talked for a bit then I waited for about five more minutes before Michelle came.
When she got there she was starving so I went with her to go get a falafel. On our way over there we saw an open exhibit where two fashion designers put on a little display for the public to check out. They had some cool things, we got to chat with one of the designers for a bit, and then we gave her our information so she could let us know about any future projects. Here are a few photos of what they made:
I want this whole yellow and blue little outfit...
They created these little weaved art to display on the wall, almost to create this universe for the clothes. I really liked it.
Michelle got her Falafel and then we decided to adventure further down the street which we had never done before. I saw a lot of cute shops, so at the end of the road we sat down so Michelle could finish eating. Then we walked back up the street stopping in the shops along the way.
We went to one shop where they had some super cool native american/ south american things. It was really unique. I ended up buying a cool sweater.
Here is a photo of me wearing the sweater:

And I bought this skirt and necklace!

After that cool store we went back to the vintage store where Michelle bought such a cute dress, it looked amazing on her! And a few other things, she's my little vintage shopper and I love her.
next up! FHE! We went and listened to the lesson for an hour, which I can never understand. Then we played a game called Michael Jackson! It resembles many games... I don't really feel like explaining it. I tried to get some pictures of us at FHE, but they didn't work out too well... here they are anyways.
Sorry, the pictures are SO blurry...
This is Elder Wood and Elder Rako with Ahking (my Tahitian friend) creeping in. At the Institute they have these little action figures, and Elder Wood held up the blonde missionary saying it was him, and Elder Rako held up that action figure!!
That was my Monday...
[ Thanks Michelle for some photos.. ]
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