Because I am so behind on my posts I am going to make this post brief.
Thursday morning I had Daryl Lee's class, which is always very interesting. We talked about being "The little person" and how that isn't necessarily a bad thing. I also got a cool idea for an art project.
After class we walked around Le Maras with Daryl. He took us to a very good Boulangerie called Huré. Everything looked amazing, and it was all for a very good price! Defiantly need to put that place on my list of places to tell you all to visit. Then we walked into a cool courtyard, a secret church (not really secret... you would just never know about it if you were just walking by.)
After our little walk about with DLee. We walked into a couple of stores we saw. One store had so many cool artsy things. I wanted a lot of the cool plates, some books, and cool jewelry. We also went into a photography store with a bunch of cool old/ artsy cameras for sale. Someday I will go back there and buy a cool camera. Someday as is: When Cass and I move there and have the money.
After that, we decided to hit up the one and only, Galeries Lafayette. Looking at all the amazing clothing seriously hurts. As Annie put it, "It feels like you are being beaten down with shopping bags" because you fall in love with so many things... but it is all too expensive to buy.
We walked around the many clothing sections. Died. Cried. And looked forward to the day when we will become friends with the designers. Annie at one point stopped and said, "That's it! I'm changing my major and going into Fashion!" I looked at her. I realized that I loved this girl, so much. She has such a cool personality, and an amazing sense of style. (Definitely my favorite fashionista here in Paris with me.) Sorry all you other girls on the trip with me... but come on, am I right? Yes. Annie is one of the coolest girls I have ever met in my life. We started talking and we decided that someday we would start a clothing business together. I was being dead serious, I feel really good about that choice.
[ NOTE TO SELF FUTURE TIFFANY: Hire Annie Taylor.. to do, Anything.]
We couldn't finish our journey at Lafayette. It was exhausting and we were hungry. We found a Paul, stopped and bought a sandwich, then we walked to Lauderee! I got three macarons. #1. Fleur de L'Orange #2. Sale et Caramal #3. Coco (Coconut)
All three were amazing, but my favorite of the three was the Coconut. So. So good. We sat in the Tulieres Jardins while we ate our sandwich and Lauderee. I was content.
We were right next to the Louvre, so after our little pic-nic we decided to go find Le Carrousel du Louvre. Does anyone know what that is? I didn't. It is a somewhat small little Mall in the Louvre. Yeah the Louvre is huge. But it isn't just a little Mall... it is where, do you know what I am going to say?
- It is where they hold FASHION WEEK. Yep, we found it! We walked inside and saw the room where they were setting up a show. Obviously we couldn't go inside, BUT yes, I saw where they held Fashion week here in Paris!
Room where they were holding a fashion show:
My mom had just let me know of a few good Indian places to eat at, so we decided to go try one! Before we went to the restaurant, we stopped by the lock bridge behind the Notre Dame de Paris. For any of you that don't know the tradition:
There is a tradition here in Paris where you and your fiance buy a lock and have your names and your wedding date engraved into the lock. Then you go and lock it onto a bridge over the Seine. You make sure you buy two keys that go to the lock where you and your fiance then throw the keys into the Seine river. It represents ever lasting love. Cute huh?
We found the Indian restaurant very easily, it was in the same area where all the clubs are. Where we had been earlier to go to the Thai restaurant. I wasn't very hungry after eating a sandwich and macarons, so I just ordered some Samosas... which were amazing. I love Samosas, they are my favorite Indian food.
Mais oui, we had to go to Amorino. Well, I didn't get anything. I knew that that wouldn't be my only opportunity, we go daily.
And we will continue to go daily. Don't judge.
So, I know I mentioned at the beginning of this post that I was going to make it brief... I tried. Sorry.
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