Ladies and Gentlemen...
Today has been an outstanding day. Remember how I mentioned that I was having a hard time making my thoughts click in my mind? How I wanted to be able to really grasp the concept I was thinking of? Well a miracle has occurred. Today was the day when a thought would come into my mind, and instead of if just skimming over, it stuck.
For the first event of the day we woke up early to meet up with the rest of the group at 7:30 am. We all got on the bus and drove about two hours to Normandy. Lucky for me... I fell asleep and just slept the whole time. Boy was that magical.
Once we got to Bayeax we went to a little exhibit to see a massive tapestry, which was absolutely stunning. Our head phone tour was the first time a 'Tour Guide' was interesting enough to want to learn something from. For once it was easy to pay attention.

After the tapestry visit we got to one of those moments I mentioned earlier. This was the first moment I felt as if I was becoming immersed, the first moment I came to a complete understanding of a concept that had only skimmed my mind. You might think this all sounds stupid, but when I think about something I don't to simply say, "Oh that's interesting" and move on... I want to completely grasp the concept. Force it into my life. Its hard to do, but when it does happen it is such an amazing feeling. Almost like the spirit is reconfirming an answer to a prayer.
Does any of this make sense??
Anyways... we went to the cathedral in Bayeax. At first I didn't really care to go inside... its just like any other cathedral right? And it basically was. Well, there was a cool crypt inside that was kinda creepy.. but that't not what I am talking about here. I am talking about the fact that I was in a cathedral. Yes, I went to a cathedral that morning. True I basically go to one every week, and walk by 5 everyday... Im used to them. I know what a cathedral looks like, but today I realized it. I was in a cathedral, do you understand how much history was there? While all the other girls I was with were quietly cracking jokes, I found myself in a way, kinda feeling the spirit.
It was a different feeling. I realized that the Catholic church really is amazing. I realized that back in the day when all these cathedrals were first being built, they were so important. It was the only way to connect with Jesus Christ. Those buildings in their eyes were the houses of the Lord, and the Architecture show how they had to make it absolutely beautiful for Christ. During this time I knew again that the LDS church is the true church. I am and was so grateful to have it, but the Catholic church is an absolutely beautiful, amazing, astonishing, (All these fabulous words) church! It is is super artsy.
After that chouette experience, we went to lunch at a pizzeria. Annie and I shared a meal so we wouldn't spend very much money which was a very goo idea. We would have had time to get a crêpe, but DLee had us meet up earlier. Wuphf. While we were at lunch I looked over and a gal named Amber. I remembered when I first (Really) talked to her. Which was at lunch the day we went to the cave. I thought about how happy I was to get out of my comfort zone to get to know every girl ere on the trip. Amber was one of those girls who I wasn't friends with at the beginning of the trip, but now we hang out with all the time. There is only one girl that I am not friends with here. I have tried many, many times.. but she is way over the 3 strike limit. She isn't really interested in making friends here. Which I think it kinda sad.
Once we all got on the bus we went to go to the D-Day memorial/museum/beach. Now this was an experience I would never forget. This was where my great grandpa Ira Tree was killed in War. I felt very close to him here. The very second I walked into the museum I started to get choked up. There was a sign in book where I signed my name, date, and a comment in memory of my grandpa.

There was such a strong spirit there in the museum. I couldn't help but cry. Everything I saw and I read about taught me something about my grandpa. Throughout my life I have always felt a special connection to my grandparents, even to those who have passed away. So this experience was extremely special.
I was very lucky to be left alone. I had a good time walking through the museum, cemetery and beach being able to meditate. After seeing the main monuments I walked out to the cemetery. The cemetery was surrounded by trees. At one point I looked through the trees and bushes and I saw a perfect area where there was grass to sit. I looked around to make sure no one was watching then I hiked into the forest to where I saw the grass. I found an absolute perfect area where I know no one could see me, knelt down and prayed. I thanked him for the feelings felt, and the experience I had to visit Normandy.
My own little sacred grove:
I sat there for a bit to hold onto those peaceful feelings before I would continue to walk around and make my way to the beach. Luckily we were given extra time so could walk down to Omaha Beach. I didn't feel like taking off my boots so I stomped through the water getting my socks wet, and my shoes covered in sand...but I didn't mind. I got a few shells and I just knelt down to dip my hands in the water and grab handfuls of the sand. It was so simple. It was nice and quiet, and just relaxing. The experience I had will be one memory that I will keep in mind for the rest of my life, I cant wait to return. I loved every second.
We saw a lot more WWII sites that day. It was really cool. We went to some pill boxes, where I hung out with Annie, Kelly, and Anna. We had a lot of fun exploring and taking pictures. For Example:

Then we all went out to eat in the town where we were staying called Rouen. The dinner was SO good! One of the best/ most comforting meals I have had. The salad dressing was refreshing along with he tomate, cheese and baguette. We had steak and frites for our main dish. The herbs went so well wit the steak and the frites were a bit caramelized! For desert, puffed pastry with cream, apples and raspberry sauce. YUM!
During dinner Brynn was a bit upset, but I'm not 100% why. I remembered that I hadn't been hanging out with her as much as I wanted to. I really do want to. We have a lot in common and I feel like I can talk with her much easier than I can the other girls. I think it is because she is 25 years old, and mature. I'm not saying that all the other girls aren't mature... but, um... I don't know maybe that is what I'm saying. I'm not trying to be rude! We area ll just having a good time... but sometimes I just miss an intellectual conversation.
We all saw the area where Joan of Arch was burned. Very cool. It was a really nice town. I'd love to go back there someday. There was a bit of a dance party happening on the back of the bus that I wasn't too comfortable about... but I didn't want to be that girl who wasn't having fun because she isn't into those things... So I just sat and smiled, wait to be able to talk with Cassidy.
I shared a room with Annie and Kelly. They wanted to continue to party so while everyone came into our room to watch Gossip Girl, I went into someone else's room to Skype Cass. It was nice to be able to talk one on one for the first time we had that trip.
To end the evening Kelly had a bit of a freak out trying to kill a spider. So my day ended on a funny note. Next post will be the videos taken of Kelly's experience.
I hope to go there someday. Grandpa will be so proud of you. What a great experience.