Michelle and I were planning on waking up early that morning to go to an antique market, but we didn't end up waking up on time. My fault. We woke up with just enough time to get ready for the day and get to Brynn's house on time. We got all dressed up in our dresses for Brynn's Fete du Automne! Before we went to her house we had to hurry and stop by an Orange store to buy more minutes for our phone... so annoying.
We were supposed to meet Annie there early to help make the paper chain and decorate! We got there fifteen minutes early, and luckily we were on the same train as Sam, Hailey and Annie! It all worked out! Kelly of course, got way lost so we had to wait for her before we went to the house. We got to their cute little house and then started busting out the paper chains. Annie had cut strips of news paper along with orange, yellow and red paper the night before. They started assembling the chains on the train. We got just enough paper chain made, and hung it up right before people started to arrive. Once everyone was there we were all chatting when suddenly everyone started singing Happy Birthday! I turned around to see Brynn holding a chocolate cake with my name on it!! The whole party turned out to be a little surprise party! How adorable is that?? Thank you so much Brynn, I had always wanted a surprise party and it was the cutest party ever!
Brynn had gone all out. She made Soup, chicken skewers, and bread. She also made a raspberry sauce and whipped cream to put over a bunch of strawberries. Then she made chocolat chaud and the chocolate cake. Everything was adorable and so tasty! We sat and had a usual girly time, talking about boys of course! We heard many girls love life stories and we all gathered around a computer to look at pictures on Facebook. I showed all the girls pictures of my Cassidy, obviously they were jealous. I ended up showing them a few videos Hailey Haugen had made. Hailey Haugen is a very good friend of mine, her and her brother have a video buisness called Haugen Creative. They are amazing! They are definitely doing my engagement and wedding video! If you are curious, check out their site!
They have a facebook too! Just look up Haugen Creative and check out their stuff!
Okay, Okay enough advertising - back to our girls night. We all gathered around and watched a movie (Man I miss just sitting and watching a movie.) We watched Riley's favorite movie called Angus, Thongs, and Perfect Snogging. It was a British movie. It was made by Nickelodeon.. one of those cheesy movies about a girl in High school in love with a boy! Watching it with all us girls was so fun, we were all laughing, and just having the best time. Annie made a hair wrap for me, and drew a fake dragon tattoo on my back. It was such a good little surprise party.
I was still full from Brynn's lunch, so I went straight home while Michelle and Sam went to dinner at Rice and Beans. I love having the time to be in Paris by myself. Like I have mentioned before there is something so magical about putting on your headphones and listening to music while you walk the streets of Paris. Your life really does become a movie.
October 9th is my birthday... So I stayed up until Midnight! I was on the phone with Cassidy 15 minutes before midnight when he said he had to go. I was so bummed and in all honesty, pretty mad at him for getting off the phone and going to film instead of talking to his girlfriend right when she turned 21! I was really, pretty mad at him... Michelle even noticed something was up and asked me what was wrong. Of course their was no need to get mad because he was joking, as always that little jokester! He Skyped me RIGHT at midnight! His parents were the first to sing Happy Birthday to me! It was probably one of my favorite things in the world. If anyone doesn't know Cassidy's parents, you HAVE to meet them. They will change your life and you will fall in love with them! I miss them so much.
I talked to my Mommy on Skype too, and we talked about how weird it was that I was finally 21 years old. I had always imagined myself being 21, because I have always looked up to my older sister... who for some reason I still feel like she is still 21 years old and I feel like I am still 11! I can't believe I am growing up.
Well, that was my night. Oh, oh wait... there is one more thing. I was walking to my bedroom to go to bed that night when I accidently ran into Manu's (my host brother) girlfriend. I said "Pardon" and then turned around to see Manu walking down the Hall in his boxers! He was embarrassed and hurried and turned around! Im sure I looked a little shocked, and when I got to my bedroom I said to myself, "Well, Happy Birthday Tiffany.." Probably one of the most awkward moments of my life. Oh well.
Now that was my night, And an amazing day!

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