Happy Birthday Darling we love you very, very, very, very, very, very, very much!
Okay, Okay! SO... October 9th is my birthday.
To answer the famous question, "Do you feel older?" - Yes, Yes I do. It is interesting. Throughout the week I have felt like I have literally been turned older. Well, I have... but it has really felt like it. I have felt like I am really grown up now, I am an adult. I feel like I can finally get out into the world and fulfill the dreams I have dreamnt of my whole life. Now I finally feel old enough to be the person I want to be. Weird huh!
Church was at 9:30, but we slept in an extra hour! Its my birthday!! Why not!! I got onto my computer in the moring, and Cass was just about to go to bed, so I got to say hi to him for a quick second. Loved that. Once we got to church we found Elder Dick and he told us that everyone was watching the last session of Conference. The last sessions are from 10-Midnight here in Paris, so people usually don't stay up late to watch them. So Michelle and I watched President Monson's talk in French.
Oh wait! BACK UP!! So on my way to church a Chinese friend of mine text me and asked me if I wanted to go to a Chinese Opera. I thought about it, and thought it would be a really unique and chouette experience. She couldn't go because she had too much homework for school. So before Sacrament Meeting I ran to the Pompidou to meet up with her so she could give me the ticket! She gave me this super fancy looking invitation that she said was good for two people! It was from 15h00-17h00, so It fit my schedule perfectly!! She told me the Chinese Ambassador and many other famous people would be there, so I was really excited!
We went back to church and listened to the last bit, then went home for lunch. My host lady invited her parents over to eat lunch with us! They were so adorable! Her father was in his 90's and was probably the cutest old man I have ever seen. He didn't speak one word in English, so it was kinda funny trying to say hello to him. Her mom spoke a little English, but thought I spoke french perfectly. She kept asking me questions I couldn't answer, which was difficult. We had some Melon, Chicken, Baguette and Potatoes. Manu was sweet and served me the entire time. He wouldn't let me pour myself a glass of water because it was my birthday! Then for desert my host lady made a chocolate flourless cake! It was so good!! Manu served it to me along with ice cream for every single bite! It was really rich and filling, but I ate a lot.
Michelle and I had to hurry and change into nicer clothes to get to the Opera. We had an idea as to where it was, but we weren't sure so we asked everyone at dinner. [Note to self: never ask them for directions ever again.] They started to argue and then just got us really confused. Michelle and I were running late so we just figured we would find our way by ourselves.
When we found where it was we noticed that everyone was Chinese! I showed them the ticket and they said it was for one person only. Because it was my birthday Michelle (That darling little angel) said I could go, and she would just go home. When I went to go inside they started questioning me as to where I got the invitation. I told them my friend Zhiwei gave it to me for my birthday.I was so confused. They asked me if I understood Chinese, and of course I told them I didn't. They asked me why I would want to go because I wouldn't be able to understand it, but obviously I didn't care! Finally, they let me in. When I got inside it definitely was not what I was expecting. It was some kind of press conference. There was a man speaking and everyone was taking pictures of him. I had noticed a sign that said no pictures, but because everyone else was taking pictures I did too. Behind him was a HUGE photo of a skinny Chinese man. The man speaking was yelling things almost like a chant. I'm pretty sure he was yelling something like, "Bomb the Japanese! Bomb America! Let's take over the world!" While everyone in the audience was cheering!
I'm pretty sure I attended some type of pro-communism party and their press conference planning how they were going to take over the world. I was literally the only non Asian and was wondering when they were going to spot me, capture me and throw me on the next plane to China. I left the building and went back to the woman who spoke English. I asked her if this was an Opera, and she looked at me confused. I asked her if there was going to be any music, and she said, "Oh yeah! There is going to be one singer at the end." I made up some story about how I was majoring in Music and I thought it would be a good experience for me to hear a Chinese Opera. She was really confused and asked, "Do you know about our Party?" Pretty sure she was talking communism so I left. It was the weirdest experience of my life.
I went home and told Michelle about my experience and just hung out at home for a bit. The Missionaries in the stake put together a concert that evening, so we met up with all the other girls at the concert. It was at the Institute/where we go to Church and open to everyone. I think a hobo came in. It was amazing, these missionaries definitely have some talent!
Once the concert ended and we mingled a bit, I got together with Michelle, Sam, Annie and Kelly to go to dinner! I really wanted to go eat at Livingstone. It is a Thai Restaurant that my mom and I went to back when I was 16. Probably the best meal I have ever had in my life... but pretty expensive. We went to the restaurant only to find it closed (as usual... wuphf) So for a good back up plan we went back to Suan Thai! I love that restaurant too!! I spent 24 Euro's on my meal - Figured it was SO worth it! And it was!! I got some Thai Spring rolls. They were so good, you take the spring roll and roll it up in mint and lettuce then dip it in its yummy sauce. Then I got a Chicken Green Curry, nice and spicy of course! And some sticky rice.. I LOVE sticky rice! It was just all SO good!!
After dinner we stopped by Amarino's, I was really full from dinner... So I figured I'd get it another time. After of course we went home so I could Skype my Family and Boyfriend on my birthday. I stayed up kinda late talking with them! But it was worth it!! It was my birthday!
So... yeah. That was my birthday. It wasn't anything grand or spectacular. It had felt like my birthday that whole week, so I was kinda celebrating it all week. It was cool to feel older though. I still do. Its an interesting feeling. I feel like there is so much I can do. (No I'm not talking about how I can go to bars and drink now) Well wait... I can do that now.
[More pictures coming soon. Michelle has the pictures on her computer... which is broken. Wuphf]
Correction. We went to Livingston when you were 19!