Sunday, September 25, 2011

Wednesday Sept 21.

Wednesday we had art history class - LOVE. In our class we went over some of the basics. I made one comment that I was quite proud of. Near the end of class the professor specifically asked my opinion on something. He said, "And what does the artist in the back think?" I was surprised but I shared my opinion. It was pretty cool, that was definitely a first in my life. I loved it. I feel like I was enveloped with what I love most. Art. In that class, being 1 of 2 art majors I felt like "This is mine." This is my fixation, I guess. When this random man I had just met, was a bit taken back and then reflected on what I said, I had another moment when I knew that art was the path I needed to take in life. It felt so refreshing.

That wasn't the only thing that was refreshing. We were complaining about not getting any good Mexican food, when our new professor mentioned that Mexican joints were actually starting to become a cool trend here in France. He sent us to one right up the street called Rice and Beans. It was so good! Kinda expensive, but so, so worth it! It was a really cool place too. I'm pretty sure that might be a weekly tradition also!

Super cool wall behind us:

We all walked Morning back to the institute for one of her classes, then we went to Berthillon for Ice cream. Like always, it was fabulous. While we were enjoying our Ice cream we heard a man coming our way screaming something.. why don't you take a listen:
(Video coming soon: Waiting for friend to e-mail it to me)
He yelled this like five times. It was hilarious! It is definitely the greatest inside joke here on the study abroad.

We walked along the seine looking at the old books then we went shopping a bit! We went to a few super cute shops. Then we went vintage shopping! I didn't end up getting anything at the vintage stores, I am just too small. We went to a few cute boutiques and I got a super cute blouse. Then sadly we had to stop shopping to go home for dinner.

We have only had one amazing meal at home, and it was when the 19 year old kid, Manu, cooked for us. I guess he is the best cook in the family... I hope he cooks for us again.

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