Sunday, September 25, 2011

Tuesday Sept 20.

Went to the LDS Institute for Daryl Lee's class. We talked about literature and how writers can really grasp a city, unlike Le Flâneur. We talked about how architecture affects us, and how when you walk through the streets of Paris, you are in a way walking through time. His class was really interesting, but I have a feeling that it is going to be a hard class.

After class we walked down the street for falafels. Oh... So good. Definitely making it a weekly tradition. They were amazing. After our lunch we went and got some chocolat chaud from Angelinas! It was just a good food day! Michelle and I got the Africainne, Holly and Sam got the blanc chocolat chaud. They were both good, but the Africainne will always be the best! I am so lucky to be able to go get that hot chocolate anytime I want to. Michelle had her french class so while we went to the Institute Catholique, Sam, Holly, and I walked outside around the Louvre. Then we met up with a bunch of the other girls and went to the Musée d'orsay.

I walked with Sam and Annie around the museum. We saw a lot of art, but I didn't see my favorite piece or any Degas paintings! So I guess I'll have to go back! We then went to the Institute Catholique to meet up with Michelle, Hailey and everyone else.

Michelle and I really needed to go grocery shopping so we went to a Monoprix out by Sam and Hailey's home. I wish I had my own house here or at least my very own refrigerator just so I can buy all of the amazing food! Especially the cheese... yum.

Michelle and I went home right away for dinner where our host mom had ham, vegetable soup, and some potatoes for us to eat. We took the ham, potatoes, and some mustard (Not any ol' American mustard) and ate it all together. Pas Mal.We had our cheese course, then for dessert we had ice cream with some of her home made chocolate sauce which was very good.

Everynight we are absolutely exhausted, so I am always anxious to get home to Skype Cass and Janet and to finally sleep.

Oh, so Michelle and I are HORRIBLE at math.. we were trying to figure out how much we owed each other... so we wrote it down on the side walk:

-Remember you can click on the pictures to make them bigger.


  1. Tif it has been forever! So happy for you to be back in Paris! Jealous that you had Angelinas but so glad that you showed that to me when you were in Paris with me more than a year ago!

    Wishing you the best,


  2. Angelina's?? You went to Angelina's without me? Ugh. I hate my life. Hey can you purchase the "angelina's cups" they would be so awesome to have. Check it out.
