Saturday, September 17, 2011

2 days late. Last day in Sarlat.

Thursday morning we woke up and I threw on my soccer shorts and a white v-neck to go canoeing in! Like I have mentioned in the past, I forgot my swim suit… so I wasn’t planning on getting into the water. Thankfully I wasn’t the only one who wasn’t planning on getting in. When we got to where we were canoeing Kelly and Morning said they didn’t want to get wet so I was in a canoe with them. I was glad to be with them. Kelly is the craziest, spunkiest girl, to the point where there is no way you can feel dumb when you are around her. I don’t want that to be mean, she knows it… and it totally works for her. She is hilarious. Everyone loves Morning. She is from Texas and totally slaughters any foreign language its hilarious. She is the one that everyone makes fun of when we talk like an American speaking French. “Bone Joor” “Merr See” or “Sill voo play” in her Texan accent. She for some reason makes the way she speaks super cool at the same time? How?? She’s just awesome.

I sat in the middle of the boat. We had three hours to be on the river, so we had some very big conversations. Let’s just say Kelly, Morning and I now know each other and a much deeper level than we do with other girls. We told many secrets. At first we wanted to row super fast and beat everyone around us… and we were doing pretty good. Honestly I felt some competiveness in me… Cass, you should be proud.

The ride was long and at times pretty boring, we were glad to get to the end. When we did we found out that one of the girls got hurt! Lauren one of my favorite girls in the whole entire world (No joke, she is the coolest.) stepped on a shell and it got stuck in her foot! It was so sad. Mary Lee had to pull the shell out of her foot. Poor Lauren is still having a hard time walking.

We were all so tired when we got to our hotel. We all showered and then went out to find some lunch. I really didn’t have an appetite, I was a bit upset about some personal problems I was having that day. So nothing sounded good at all. After our free time, we went to les jardins de Marqueyssac. It was a tiny Chateau with such beautiful gardens. The gardens were huge! We spend 2 hours walking around. At first I was still a bit upset, but hanging out with Michelle and discovering the secrets of the garden I forgot about what was upsetting me. We got many beautiful pictures:

Cute photos of Hot air balloons:

For dinner we ate at the restaurant at our hotel. It wasn’t too bad, I was just really hungry from not eating lunch that it was great! We had some funny moments with Monsieur Lee putting on clip on earrings. Anna got an amazing picture of him:

Funniest picture ever..

Other than that, we talked about our school schedule a bit and talked about our lives in Paris. Again sorry about being late, I am trying hard to catch up!

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